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Defined Benefit Schemes

Since 2013 Serhan has assisted hundreds of Defined Benefit and Industry Super members with a fee for service structure, she is one of the leading Defined Benefit Super experts in Canberra.

Serhan can provide specialist advice for CSS (54/11), PSS, DFRDB, MSBS and lump sum Defined Benefit Schemes.


In most cases superannuation is the most important asset being built over the years. Serhan will check the suitability of your current superannuation fund (for non defined benefit accumulation funds) including its fee structure, investment performance and philosophy, to ensure that it is appropriate for your needs.

If you have a SMSF we will investigate if it remains suitable.

Serhan will also ensure that you are optimizing your Defined Benefit fund.

Financial Goal Setting

Serhan, our principal advisor, will take time to understand where you are now, where you want to go, then will work with you to prioritize and achieve your requirements.

Investments and Sustainable Investing

One of the most important principles of investment is to ensure that you have a diversified portfolio and that you have not put all your eggs in one basket.

We will look to obtain your tolerance levels and organize your asset allocation to reflect what is right for you.

Cash Flow and Savings

Cash flow plays a critical role in helping you to get where you want to go. Your future goals heavily rely on how you manage your complete cash flow position. Serhan can help you identify any opportunities needed to set you up for success.

Retirement Planning and Modelling

Are you doing all that you need to do to retire comfortably? Planning for the future is important as we all want to maintain our current standard of living, if not better it.

Serhan will provide retirement modelling services designed to identify if you are on track or if not, identify the gaps, and what can be done to close the gaps before it is too late.

She will demonstrate how long your money will last. This can be a very effective tool to motivate you.

Life Insurance

A big part of wealth creation is wealth protection. If something were to happen, are you and family protected?

Serhan will analyse your needs and recommend a tailored package of life insurance outside or inside of your superannuation, depending on your personal circumstances.

Estate Planning

Benjamin Franklin once said "in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes".

Which is why estate planning is so important. Making arrangements for the ongoing care of your family and your assets in the event of death or disability should not be something you want to leave it to chance.

Serhan will work with you and your lawyers to ensure that you have up to date wills, power of attorneys and that you have nominated the right beneficiaries of your superannuation benefits.


Redundancy, whether voluntary or involuntary, can have a major impact on your finances. You might be asked to make decisions in a short period of time.

Seeking early specialist advice about the potential tax implications is essential so that you can make timely informed decisions in preparation for perhaps an uncertain future.

Debt Management

We will work with you to review your debts and, where appropriate discuss structures that are tax-effective.